Tuesday 15 November 2011


  1. Hi Pieologist, mmmmmm interesting I vote NO for eating pie with a teaspoon. But I do think that depending on the situation YES you can use a knife, fork or spoon for example - you could not eat pie at the footy with it. BUT also you could not eat a slice of desert pie without it!! Choo

  2. Dude...Seriously?? Desert Pie??? For me, once fruit goes anywhere near that pastry casing, it ceases to be a Pie. I know by definition is it still a pie, but in reality...not a pie!
    Just from the fact you have a "slice" & need to use the whole contents of the cuttlery draw to eat it proves its not a pie. I am afraid you have been watching too much Junior Masterchef my friend!
    BTW, bless you.

  3. Or watching the movie American Pie... We didn't see the young fella sticking his todger into a smokin' hot curry beef pie! Yep, it was dessert all the way!!

    Oh, and yes I am obviously a fan of using utensils, but only on 3 conditions:
    1. Dining with Queen,
    2. when you are under the age 9 and have not mastered the art (which is when I used the teaspoon), and
    3. You have gangrenous arms and are being fed by a supportive partner.


  4. Roobs - even if I was that supportive partner I'd still make you eat it with your face.... Heathen.

  5. Hey, I'm not a monster: if you're an 8 year-old kid with gangrenous arms and you're having dinner with the Queen, I'm fine with you being fed your pie with a teaspoon...
