Sunday 7 April 2013

The World's First Instant Pie

Q: how do you make something really good really bad really quickly?

A: add the word 'instant' to it.

Another one for the 'jumped the shark' category here: a former microbiologist turned factory worker has now turned pie-tamperer and invented the world's first 'instant' pie.

'Just add water' to your sachet of dehydrated mince, break out the long-life pastry case, combine, and bang it in the oven for 2-3 minutes - whereupon the steam from the mince seals the base pastry to the lid. Sounds delicious, doesn't it?

It also looks suspiciously like a vol au vent to me...or is Prasad doing some pie-ventriloquism?

Picture and story courtesy of Kristi Miller & News Ltd

Noble intentions of feeding our troops aside, I'm afraid your Pieologist has to say 'No Deal' to this one:


  1. I too read about this abomination on the weekend.... One word: Unholy.

  2. Hi Jodes,
    But I think its possible to make- we have ready made pastry cases and beef jerky already in market not a abomination...... So, its easy to make instant out of nothing.... no need to be published in news ha ha ha

  3. Ha Ha Ha Indian made a Aussie Meat Pie-----Good

  4. This is a good breakthrough like a instant noodles will be hit in future-----Goood keep it up prasad

  5. Proud Aussie finding .....Kevin, Blacktown

  6. This is easy finding why published in paper jerkys are eaten for centuries.....Stupid indians

    1. Don't be racist---Good finding hats off
