Tuesday 10 April 2012

More Guest Reviews

Last week, we had a guest review from the Dodgy Kiwi. This week, we have two more guest reviews that I have been meaning to publish for a while (sorry guys) from two equally dodgy Australians: Young Pete, and Wayne Bennett. First up, Young Pete. Take it away, son.

Thought I’d review the Sunnybank Private Hospital – Garden Kiosk ‘Beef Pie’ for you.

For an early morning snack to fill the hole of missing breakfast, I wasn’t expecting much from the garden kiosk. The choice between a pie, 2 day old sandwiches in the display cabinet or a bag of CC’s, the pie had the upper hand. At $3.40 it was a budget option but nicely rounded off with the $3.60 coffee to bring the transaction to $7. Until of course, I asked for sauce which was 20c extra.. 

The pie looked like the typical pie straight from a pie warmer, with slightly soggy sides and a bit of a cracked edge.. mmm dry beef to look forward to inside. I added the tomato sauce to mask the undesirable flavour I knew would be apparent from the first bite. 

No pastry crunch, but come on.. pie warmer at the hospital kiosk (need I say more).. but some beefy taste smothered in tomato sauce. The after taste was slightly peppery which was surprising as there was no mention of pepper in my selection. The filling was slightly jelly-like but held together well for a singled handed meal, the pasty reminding me of my earlier school days at the canteen. 

Overall it was a terrible but expected result leaving me with no desire to return for more.

Score 3/10

So there you have it, folks, stay away from the pies at the Sunnybank Hospital. Personally, I don't go that far on my holidays, so if you're sick down that way don't hold your breath waiting for a visit from The Pieologist. What I DO know however, is that I have found my first 10 out of 10 pie a mere 10km north of the Sunnybank hospital....if only I'd posted the review for it earlier, Young Pete could have detoured and the whole expedition would have been a joyous affair...rather than unfulfilling and flatulence-inducing. It's almost enough to make me feel guilty. OK, it's nowhere near the highest point from which you could stand on your tippy-toes with a pair of binoculars and see the neighbourhood where I might actually feel guilty - but there you go. Stay tuned for that one, southsiders - it's coming up next week. 

Next time Pete, suggest to your sick friends that they might be better off in the Greenslopes Hospital, and you won't be stuck for lunch. It's all about experience. Speaking of which, the following was written by a man with more experience than most...due to the fact that he's an OC. 

Now I previously promised that I would publish guest reviews as you send them in to me; and I stand by that sentiment regardless of how offensive, short-sighted, or insensitive your opinions may be to others. After all, you've got just as much right to be heard by the millions reading this blog as anyone else does. Having said that, if you support the ALP in any way, you may want to tune out now. I'm not 100% sure, but I've got a feeling that Wayne isn't a party contributor....

Wayne’s Capital Experience

Being a relative layman when compared to our illustrious connoisseur of pies, The Pieologist, however I promised I would seek out any worthy examples on my pilgrimage south to the motorcycle Mecca of Phillip Island to attend the World Superbikes. After 2 days of enduring many kilometres of rough country roads and subjected to the fiercest wet weather, I stopped in our political Capital (Canberra) for some well deserved sustenance. I also needed to build up some reserves for the next leg through the high country and possible sleet, snow and blizzards that lay ahead. 

I found myself in a suburb called Dickson, an inner North suburb, and I was hoping to run into Julia Gillard and give her my 2 cents worth regarding the shambles of all these illegal immigrants (boat people by the thousands) being let in the place and the Carbon bloody tax for Christ sakes - just don’t get me started - but alas she was nowhere to be seen. [She probably heard you were coming and fled for her life, Wayne - P]  I found a nice looking café that seemed inviting called Hudson’s. I was about to order a hamburger with the lot but then spied the board with gourmet pies, so why not, I chose the chicken and vegetable as a fairly safe bet.

I was a bit disappointed when the lady put it in the microwave to heat it up as this usually destroys the casing and ends in eating disaster and a burnt pair of testicles. However it must have been one of those convection type microwave ones that have the heating element inside. It arrived at my table (carried by a cute waitress) and looked quite good from the colour and pastry texture and sat quite well and when I picked it up it was quite heavy and kept its shape; and although I had taken precautions re the possibility of contents tumbling into my lap (and heaven forbid damaged testicles), there was no need to worry. 

The temperature was quite good, hot enough but not burn your mouth out hot and with the first few aggressive bites to satiate my hunger I was not disappointed. It was actually filled with good sized chunky pieces of breast chicken and actual vegies, and not the soupie mornay type crap you normally find inside. So I continued working away biting, chewing, washing down with swigs of coffee, but the pie seemed to be dwindling very slowly. How could this be: my hunger getting beaten by just one pie, but then I thought of the prophetic words from the master pieologist to take a cup of cement and harden up. With an inner strength I attacked again and with a flourish and I finished the last chunky chicken piece but I was done, and no way could I face a second pie. Just how does the master do it (two pies in one sitting)? 

Overall I would rate an 8.5 out of 10 for appearance, again an 8.5 for texture, a 9 for content and an 8.5 for holding its shape while being consumed. Probably another 8.5 for the waitress being cute as it all makes for the ambience and memory of the experience, now if she had gone the extra mile for a happy ending then I would have to award a 10. [ladies, I believe Wayne may currently be single if you're interested - P]

Overall, a wonderful experience and just when you least expect it a little gem. I left the café with a little paunch in the stomach region and thought that I had enough on board to keep me alive for several days should I become stranded in the alpine regions on the trip south to the Island mecca. So my memory of Canberra has been partially restored with a fond memory and I have pushed the thought of big arsed Julia to the back of my mind, but just wait till the next election!!!                   

OK, certainly something to offend nearly everyone there (thank God you didn't mention Islam, Wayne...I don't think Salman Rushdie gets out to the bakery much these days). Thanks again to both of the guys for the guest reviews.

On a personal note, the blog has fallen behind lately due to the fact that a great mate of many of us who read these postings passed away recently after an illness. 'Herbs' as he was affectionately known, was the man responsible for christening me 'The Pieologist', and encouraged me to start this blog after putting up with years of me dragging him to various pie shops in SEQ and northern NSW. As a result, it has been difficult to sit down and write a review without thinking of him. He will be greatly missed; never forgotten. Rest in peace, Herbs.

Until next time, take care.


1 comment:

  1. Great reading again - thanks guest bloggers.
    RIP to the man behind the Pieologist you will be missed by many.
